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Illustration for news: Charmed, Doubly Strange

Charmed, Doubly Strange

LHCb (Large Hadron Collider beauty) collaboration, one of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) experiments, reported that their detector has identified particles that have not previously been detected in physics experimentally – excited omega baryons (Ω-b). Just several years ago, detecting such particles in LHC was believed to be next to impossible. Among proton particles, the excited ‘charmed omegas’ were preselected by an algorithm created by staff from the HSE Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis  and Yandex LLC. IQ.HSE talked to Denis Derkach and Fedor Ratnikov about their collaboration’s ‘fresh catch’ and about the point of ‘fishing’ on LHCb in general.

Illustration for news: Weaving Languages Together: Why Megacities Need to Preserve Multilingualism

Weaving Languages Together: Why Megacities Need to Preserve Multilingualism

Moscow, like any modern big city, attracts migrants from different regions and countries. Some of them speak very little or no Russian. Their adaptation and successful integration depend in part on how fast they can learn Russian and in part on whether the city makes an effort to accommodate other languages. According to linguist Mira Bergelson, this latter factor is particularly important if the city is to benefit from immigration.

Illustration for news: Avoid Paying So People Work: The Idea behind Unemployment Benefits

Avoid Paying So People Work: The Idea behind Unemployment Benefits

Unlike the case in many developed countries, the Russian government is ready to provide financial support to all people who are registered unemployed. Researchers from the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies undertook a study of how the unemployed are treated in other countries and proposed measures for improving the situation on Russia’s labour market.

Illustration for news: Following in the Parents’ Footsteps

Following in the Parents’ Footsteps

Children from families with high professional and educational status are twice as likely to enter a prestigious university as their peers from low-resource families, HSE University researchers have found. The ‘privileged’ adolescents benefit from strong family attitudes towards a good education, parental investment in their studies and the high academic performance associated with it. At the same time, even when they have good grades, students from poorly educated families do not even try to get into prestigious universities.

Illustration for news: Economics, Society and Labour: What HSE University Research Revealed about Each in 2019

Economics, Society and Labour: What HSE University Research Revealed about Each in 2019

Why does greater trust in society increase GDP? How can you measure inequality? Before whom is the government to blame? Who earns more? Learn the answers to these questions in this summary of last year's IQ.HSE articles and research by HSE University scholars.

Illustration for news: Three to Ten: Why Families Choose to Have More Children, More Often

Three to Ten: Why Families Choose to Have More Children, More Often

More than 500 large families in three Russian federal districts were surveyed to explore reasons why couples choose to have many children. Five main patterns were identified, driven by values (partner trust and religious beliefs), socioeconomic circumstances (income and education), and availability of support from extended family and friends.

Illustration for news: ‘Reading’ with Aphasia Is Easier than ‘Running’

‘Reading’ with Aphasia Is Easier than ‘Running’

Neurolinguists from HSE University have confirmed experimentally that for people with aphasia, it is easier to retrieve verbs describing situations with several participants (such as ‘someone is doing something’), although such verbs give rise to more grammar difficulties. The results of the study have been published in Aphasiology.

Illustration for news: A Disadvantaged Start: How Childhood Poverty Affects Self-confidence in Adulthood

A Disadvantaged Start: How Childhood Poverty Affects Self-confidence in Adulthood

In 2017, 30% of Russian families with children under three and almost 20% of families with children under 18 were living below the poverty line. Incidentally, financial hardships experienced during childhood do not leave one unaffected. A study by an HSE psychologist shows that poverty experienced in childhood reduces self-esteem and self-assurance even in adults who later achieve financial success.

Illustration for news: Emotions Help Engage School Students in Learning

Emotions Help Engage School Students in Learning

Psychology researchers from HSE University have trialed the reliability of a student engagement scale on 537 Russian primary school students. The findings indicated that the emotional component contributes the most to school engagement. The paper has been published in PLOS ONE journal.

Illustration for news: 19 Figures from 2019: Happiness, Loans and Loneliness in Russia

19 Figures from 2019: Happiness, Loans and Loneliness in Russia

IQ.HSE continues the tradition of saying goodbye to the old year in figures. Below are 19 facts from the HSE University research that we shared in 2019.