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BRICS Civil Forum

Applications for participation can be submitted until June 20, 2024 

Moscow Mathematical Journal Named Most Influential Russian Journal in Mathematics of 2017

The recipients of the annual Web of Science Awards are the most influential scientists, scientific organizations and publications of the year. The Moscow Mathematical Journal has made it into the top quartile in the subject area of mathematics and was announced by jury members to be the most influential Russian scientific journal of 2017.

HSE Students and Alumna Awarded S&T Grants

On February 8, the winners of the UMNIK competition were announced. The programme, run by the Small S&T Enterprises Assistance Fund, promotes young researchers’ innovation projects. Two HSE students and one HSE alumna will receive grants of 500,000 rubles to carry out research and further develop their S&T projects.

Illustration for news: HSE Faculties Named Most Popular among Employers in 2017

HSE Faculties Named Most Popular among Employers in 2017

According to research by Future Today, HSE’s Faculty of Economic Sciences is the most in-demand among employers. A further three HSE faculties were named in the top 10.

Young HSE Researchers Receive Awards from Moscow Government

The Moscow Government has presented various awards to several young HSE researchers - Aigul Mavletova, Evgeny Feigin and Alexey Vdovin.

HSE Student Won European Rapid Chess Championship

Maksim Vavulin, third-year student in the HSE/NES Programme in Economics, has won a major chess competition in Katowice (Poland). 

Illustration for news: HSE Students Win Hackathon Held by McKinsey and Gett

HSE Students Win Hackathon Held by McKinsey and Gett

The MacDacHack team, which includes HSE students and one alumna, recently won a Big Data hackathon held by McKinsey and Gett.

Illustration for news: Two Teams of Top Programmers to Represent HSE at the International Collegiate Programming Contest

Two Teams of Top Programmers to Represent HSE at the International Collegiate Programming Contest

One of the teams successfully qualified for the world finals at the recent Northern Eurasia heat. The other will be attending the finals by special invitation.

Freshmen Team from HSE Faculty of Physics Came Third at National Theoretical Mechanics Competition

From November 20th – 24th, 2017, the National Theoretical Mechanics Competition took place at the Kazan State Power Engineering University, attracting 120 students from 35 Russian universities.

Illustration for news: HSE MIEM Professor Elected Fellow of American Physical Society

HSE MIEM Professor Elected Fellow of American Physical Society

The American Physical Society (APS) has recognised HSE MIEM Professor Lev Shchur for his innovative use of computer simulations and the development of superior random number generators for their use in statistical physics. Professor Shchur is the only academic working in Russia to be selected as APS Fellow in 2017.

Illustration for news: Government of Moscow Recognises HSE Staff Members

Government of Moscow Recognises HSE Staff Members

According to the decision of Sergey Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow, four HSE staff members were awarded badges of distinction and titles of honor.