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Anna V. Zhikhareva

  • Anna V. Zhikhareva has been at HSE University since 2019.


Involvement with aplicants

Involvement with alumni

Student non-acadeimic life support

Public relations

Event management


  • 2016

    Master's in International Relations
    HSE University

  • 2014

    Bachelor's in International Relations
    Buketov Karaganda State University

Comic to Help Students Adapt to Life at HSE University

Each year, HSE University launches a call for projects as part of its Professional Development Programme for Administrative Staff (PDP). This year, the programme's eighth annual call included four project proposals, each presented by its respective team, so that HSE University's staff could vote for the best proposal. The winner of the eighth annual call was the team of the project titled Assistance and Support for Chinese Students' Adaptation to HSE University's Community.

Charming East: HSE University Hosts Anniversary Oriental Crazy Day 2024

At the end of May, HSE University hosted the traditional Oriental Crazy Day. This year the holiday was held for the tenth time. For students, this is an opportunity to show their talents on stage, take part in fortune-telling with the Book of Changes, and learn more about the diversity of Asian cultures as well as the bachelor’s programme ‘Asian and African Studies.’